Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama in Philippines

Finally, as expected by most Americans, Barack Obama wins in U.S.A. making him avail number 44 in US Presidential roster. This is even more historic as it makes him the 1st Black-American President of U.S.A. Philippines: So what? Well, we all know that based in our history, we Filipinos, have been benchmarking our lifestyle with the Americans. They say that is due to the shared experience our forefathers had with them during World War 2. Since then, we have been coordinating with them that even seemed that we are almost losing our identities as Filipinos. Well people may argue more on this issue but why do you think Obama makes the best choice for most Americans on this presidential race? Time is indeed changing and even some newscasters in America have pointed out how different will it be for them to have such a liberated President. But I guess Americans are good "Change-ERS" and have always been open-minded on things. This is what I think will be a good example for our politicians in 2010 Elections. Most will clamor change but how significant and how real will they be, let's wait and see. (you may click on the highlighted texts to direct you to the details of USA election courtesy from CNN)