Friday, November 14, 2008

Have you ever tried?

"You know what? You can't make it",or perhaps, "it's totally impossible", these two statements are really absurd. Before it was said that metals can't fly, but what did the Orville and Wilbur invented? They just made an airplane, a steel aircraft that makes people fly. How do we consider historical events? Isn't it whenever we have recorded our firsts and by achieving what-we-so-called triumphs, these are indeed extraordinary. When things come from figment of imagination and do daring stuff to challenge the fact, especially if it ifs for good, change is indeed moral.

For the past few years of my life, I believe I was so idealistic of becoming a successful man in business. I said perhaps getting the best course, good school, nice grades and various medals can make my dream to be certain. However, these are not guarantees as you go to the real world of business. When the economy is fluctuating and even worsened by political quandaries you may just can't help to think how and why your teachers in college had been giving you useless information and brain-squeezing quizzes. So it's as if your were freshman once more, discovering how things are really going on in the corporate world. Admittedly, I'm ne of those people who just dared to accept a job for the reason of just earning and not really considering will I ever stay long in the job. Perhaps this dilemma is common to young professionals and even to the employers as well. I can say that I made myself considerate to my bosses, for five years I have had two jobs. These two are very much in line to my course in college and I have had earned satisfactorily but I just can't help to think that I am indeed lost, as if I were one of those men in the survivor series. So I decided to move on with my life without really knowing where will I go. After a month of reigning from my bread and butter, I became a bum with a lot of issues. Well I have applied numerously but the thing is, I can't find that job that would truly make me feel excited. During my lucrative time spending, I have been reading self-help books such as entrepreneurial biographies, business behavior development, and even spiritual discernment. Now, I,m back on track and simply know what I want. All past few days I have been praying so hard for the right opportunity to come. Before it even came to a point that I became very bitter and grumpy about everything but I was just thankful that miracles do happen, we just really have to open our eyes and be more persevering. You probably been wondering what I am doing now or will be doing to this my so-called good job, well I still can't tell you because I still have my final interview with their big boss but I know that this was really for me.
If I have remained my previous jobs, I would never know that my dream is afterall possible. I thank Obama for this, I thank Cory for this, I thank the Wright brothers for this, I thank those people and things who and which made me stronger to achieve my dreams one at a time. As simple as the cliche, "try and try until you succeed", but it is really an overwhelming challenge to all of us. As for now, I'm making my move but how about you? Have you ever tried?